6 months to go….

Actually it’s 6 months and 2 days if we are going to be precise.

So here’s the situation I seemed to have landed myself in – I woke up on January 2nd this year and realised that this year was the year that I wanted to do something different that meant that I didn’t leave 2012 like a complete failure, well, so far I have been a failure.

Not only that but over the Christmas period my Dad decided to propose to my step mum and that’s that. Hello wedding on December 29th 2012, and I’m a sodding bridesmaid. It would make such a difference if my three sister (biog and step) weren’t all teeny tiny human beings with ridiculously high levels of metabolism. In animal terms, they are all cheetahs and I’m a sloth.

Back in January, I imagined that I would by now be at least 2 stone lighter, I am a total of 2 pounds heavier. So you can see that this plan isn’t going very well, not at all. I have to drag myself out this lull that I seemed to have got myself into and I stupidly thought that starting a blog may get me to focus on the task at hand.

And this is where you lot come in, I’m hoping in time, people will be interested enough in the little task I have at hand and may start following me and see how I’m getting on. Or it am be a case of people sitting there reading this going, this girl is a bit nuts. Well, I’m not fussed which it is really but I decided to do it. I would a regular bollocking as well if I don’t keep updating it.

Tonight when I get home, I’m forcing myself into a horrible pair of shorts, a vest top and I am going to take horrible pictures as well as record my measurements and put them out there. Out there so they are no longer secret and I can’t get pretending that it will magically get better.

Get used to my rumblings as this blog is going to be all about me and this pesky weight which I am desperate to get off!!